Our shore-based personnel

The operation of our vessels is constantly monitored and supported by an on-shore team of skilful employees. We remain devoted to creating and maintaining a positive working environment of equal opportunities where our employees can perform to the best of their abilities and grow. 

The management of our vessels is overseen by about 100 employees located mainly in Greece and Cyprus and employed by our Management Companies.

This corresponds to about 2.4 employees/managed vessel

We promote a diversified working environment, having increased in 2020 the female to male ratio by 6% compared to 2019

of superintendents have sea-going experience
0 %
of our employees have attended higher education
0 %
average age of our employees
0 years

Continuous improvement of our human capital lies in the very heart of our philosophy and working principles. In this respect, all our employees receive annual performance appraisals based on the goals set individually for each of them. Promotions and performance-based bonuses are directly linked to the evaluations’ results. The pleasant and creative working environment that we aim to maintain, combined with our organization’s career prospects, result in high retention rates.